DIY: Knit Baby Bear Balaclava by Pernille Larsen

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I knit a Baby Bear Balaclava for one of Kenji’s friends’ birthdays. One drawback of meeting a lot of babies around the same age is that they all have birthdays around the same time! So that means that Tomiko and I are knitting lots of cute and cozy baby hats.

Knit Baby Bear Balaclava by Pernille Larsen

One concern that comes up among other moms that I’ve met is how to keep our babies’ necks warm. Scarves are a choking hazard, so initially I thought of knitting cowls or neckwarmers. However, a balaclava is a great option because it is also a hat that a baby will have a hard time ripping off! This Baby Bear Balaclava by Pernille Larsen is super cute because of the little bear ears.

Knit Baby Bear Balaclava by Pernille Larsen

The pattern calls for sport weight yarn. I used 1.25 skeins of of Naturally Soft Merino by MillaMia, a gorgeous sport-weight yarn that is super soft and pill-resistant. Importantly for a baby, however, it is machine-washable!

I knit the 12-24 month size since I wanted to make sure that this balaclava would fit for this winter and maybe the next. My gauge is normally loose, so I used 2.75 mm needles for this pattern. I had some trouble with following the pattern due to various stitch marker placement, but Knitting For Olive is very responsive email-wise. So if you have any questions, feel free to email for assistance!

Knit Baby Bear Balaclava by Pernille Larsen

The balaclava construction is quite interesting: first you knit the face ribbing. Then with short row shaping, you knit the head shape and ears. The Baby Bear Balaclava uses German short rows for the shaping. I am well-versed in wrap and turn short rows, so this was a bit of an adjustment for me. Also, I initially felt doubtful that the ears would work out as I was knitting them. However, with a bit of shaping and then grafting, they ended up adorable!

After finishing the head, you knit the ribbed neck, and finally the front and back bib, which you shape with more short rows. To finish it all off, the pattern calls for an Italian bind off. I’m not sure if it’s the same, but I used a tubular bind off instead. It creates a neat but stretchy finish for 1×1 ribbing. I found this tutorial by Shibui Knits really helpful.

Get the Baby Bear Balaclava pattern by Pernille Larsen on Ravelry here.

Check out our other baby knits here:

Knit Baby Bear Balaclava by Pernille Larsen
Meinhilde's Signature, Kiku Corner

8 Replies to “DIY: Knit Baby Bear Balaclava by Pernille Larsen”

  1. Aww! How adorable is that! Perfect to keep little one’s warm. x

  2. Such a sweet hat. Thanks for linking with #pocolo

  3. The balaclava is almost as cute at the model!! Thanks for sharing at My Big Fat Menopausal Life’s Share the Wealth party!! I’m so glad you joined!

  4. Perfect solution! And something like it would be perfect for anyone who doesn’t like a cold neck.
    Thanks for adding this to the FWF party 🙂

  5. creativejewishmom/sara says: Reply

    Just so adorable, and so wonderfully functional! thanks so much for sharing on craft schooling sunday!

  6. […] through March, perfect for gifting handknits! Last year I knit everyone hats (including the Baby Bear Balaclava). Many of those hats still fit their recipients this winter. So this year, I decided to knit other […]

  7. Windy Gonzales says: Reply

    Can you please help me understand the pattern? This is my first time to knit using a pattern and I just finished the ribbed pattern and now I need to shape the crown but I do not get the row 3 instruction. I chose the largest size of the pattern and this is what row 3 says:

    Short Row 3: Ds, k3 (3, 2, 1), *M1L, k3; repeat from * to 5 (3, 2, 1) sts before marker, M1L, k5 (3, 2, 1), sm,

    I do not understand when she wrotes repeat from * to 5 (3,2,1) sts before marker. Do I have to M1L after I knit 1?

    1. Hi Windy,
      The numbers in parentheses are the counts for the different sizes. So if you’re making the largest size, you would follow the last number in the parentheses. This means that for short row 3, you would make a double stitch, knit 1, M1L, knit 3. Then you would repeat from the *, meaning you would then M1L and k3 over and over until you get to 1 stitch before your marker. Then you would M1L and knit 1 stitch, and then slip the marker. Does that make sense? If you’re still having trouble, you can also contact the designer for support. Hope this helps!

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