Roast Pork Loin with Fennel and Thyme

Roast Pork Loin with Fennel and Thyme

Roast pork loin with fennel and thyme is my favourite way to cook pork loin. This economical cut of meat is delicious when roasted. According to the USDA, pork roasts should reach an internal temperature of 62 C / 145 F, and can still be pink in the middle. In Canada, Health Canada recommends cooking […]

Maulwurftorte – German Molehill Cake

Maulwurftorte - German Molehill Cake

I made a Maulwurftorte, a German molehill cake, for my birthday. As you can see, the cake looks like a molehill. It’s rather easy to make, but really delicious. First I baked the chocolate hazelnut sponge cake; I actually made it the day before I served the Maulwurftorte as I was short on time. Once […]

Chocolate Chip Walnut Pumpkin Spice Bread

Chocolate Chip Walnut Pumpkin Spice Bread

I made a chocolate chip walnut pumpkin spice bread using up leftover pumpkin from Ryan’s Thanksgiving pumpkin pie. Last year, I made these walnut raisin pumpkin spice muffins, but I wanted to do something new this time around. A can of pureed pumpkin here in Canada is 796 mL, or about 27 oz. Many pumpkin […]

Lunch at the Drake Devonshire

Drake Devonshire

We didn’t take much vacation this summer, but one of our more memorable trips was to the Drake Devonshire in Prince Edward County. Five of us left Toronto in the late morning, driving the two hours to the Drake Devonshire for lunch. The inside dining area was rather empty as it was a beautiful sunny […]

Galaktoboureko – Greek Custard Cake

Galaktoboureka - Greek Custard Cake

Galaktoboureko is a Greek dessert; basically, it’s a pastry-covered custard drenched in flavoured syrup. Best served warm when the pastry is still crisp and the custard just set, galaktoboureko is a great dessert for a large crowd. The baking dish full of rich dessert can easily serve 12-15 people. Although it is tastiest when fresh […]