Meinhilde’s Clocks

A few posts ago, I looked at some clocks that would fit my apartments aesthetic. And now I want to show you what I have selected!     This is the pale wood clock that I found in General Tao, a superb shop on Bloor West full of eclectic home accessories, books and stationery. It […]

Michael Sowa’s Fantastical Art

Michael Sowa is a German artist whose work I love. You might recognize his work from Le fabuleux destin d’Amélie Poulain, where his paintings hang on Amelie’s bedroom wall. His art is whimsical and surreal, yet somewhat dark or moody. I have three of his prints, as well as a bunch of art postcards. The […]

DIY: How to Hang a Picture

Growing up, our house always had a big wall map. As we traveled, we would stick pins into whichever cities across the many countries we visited. The map was also handy when looking up answers for crossword puzzles or talking about what was going on in the news. Needless to say, we are very good at […]

DIY Door Headboard

  Meinhilde and I are lucky to live in a neighbourhood that we love. One of its many attributes is that everyone embraces the idea of sharing – neighbours leave goodies on the curb to the first person that can carry it home. I can’t even list how many treasures I’ve picked up, given a good scrub, […]

How to Maintain Wooden Cutting Boards

I have an assortment of wooden cutting boards, ranging from small ones from Germany to larger ones made out of bamboo,  and nice thick one I use to serve cheese. I also use at least one every day. All that washing up afterwards can dry out the wood, especially in wintertime, so I regularly oil […]