Small Apartments: Meinhilde’s After Bedroom

In April 2013, I moved into my own apartment. Through luck and the help of family, I was able to get this small apartment in a house over 100 years old, renovated. First, rest your eyes on the pinkness of the old bedroom. And here is the finished product! The Bedroom We tore out the closet […]

Small Apartments: Meinhilde’s Before Bedroom

In April 2013, I moved into my own apartment. Through luck and the help of family, I was able to get this small apartment in a house over 100 years old, renovated. The Bedroom The bedroom in my apartment was an addition to the original house, and it is very long (17.5 ft) and narrow […]

I Love Hollow Ceramic Animals!

I don’t know why this happened, but after I furnished my apartment I realized I had collected six hollow ceramic animals!   All the photos are taken using the light tent I made last week.

Small Apartments: Meinhilde’s After Kitchen

In April 2013, I moved into my own apartment. Through luck and the help of family, I was able to get this small apartment in a house over 100 years old, renovated. First, take a peek at the before kitchen. The Kitchen And here is the finished product! Since the apartment is a rental, the landlord […]

Small Apartments: Meinhilde’s Before Kitchen

In April 2013, I moved into my own apartment. Through luck and the help of family, I was able to get this small apartment in a house over 100 years old, renovated. The Kitchen I not only work with food, but I love cooking, eating, grocery shopping even when I’m not at my job. When […]