This recipe for an orange and brown sugar lip scrub will make an easy home craft for your home spa.
body products
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DIY: Make Your Own Winter Body Balm

This winter body balm will keep your skin moisturized for those cold dry months.
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DIY: Make Your Own Lanolin Body Balm

It’s been a while since we’ve featured any bath products here on Kiku Corner – I think we were too busy knitting! Our old projects are here. This is our newest one: lanolin body balm. The base for this lanolin body balm recipe is coconut oil, with some lanolin and beeswax. The batch is then […]
DIY: Refreshing and Minty Sugar Scrub

While I was roadtripping through New England, one of the restaurants had a seashell of hand sugar scrub in the bathroom. They instructed me to wash my hands, then rub about a teaspoon onto my hands for a minute, then rinse off and dry. My hands were silky smooth and moisturized afterwards! This sugar […]