A few years ago, I started making my own sandwich bread on a biweekly basis. Good bread is really expensive here in Toronto (like at Cobs Bread), and cheap bread is really bad! And cheap bread is not even that cheap. As we are always looking to cut costs, I decided to bake my own […]
Super Easy Za’atar Manakeesh

This za’atar manakeesh is almost not even a recipe – it’s so easy and only needs three ingredients. I always have the first two in my pantry and the third ingredient in my overpacked freezer. I sometimes make this as a quick snack when guests come over or have it for breakfast with a fried egg on […]
Oma’s Bienenstich – German Bee Sting Cake

Bienenstich is a German cake that means ‘bee sting.’ This cake is very similar to our Oma’s Butterkuchen, just this version is topped with sliced almonds and honey. Our Oma would make this Bienenstich as is, but it can be fancied up by slicing the baked dough in half and filling with cream to make […]
Oma’s Butterkuchen – German Butter Cake

Butterkuchen was a specialty of our Oma’s, and she would make it for special occasions or just Kaffee and Kuchen – the German version of teatime. Oddly enough, it took ages for me to actually get the written recipe (maybe because I needed the translation?). This recipe is mostly by touch and feel. The dough should […]
Challah – Jewish Egg Bread

My first job was working in the kitchen of a summer camp in Algonquin Park. Most of the kids and head staff were Jewish, so on Fridays we cooked a special meal that wasn’t part of the regular menu rotation: roast chicken, matzoh ball soup, salad, grape juice, and challah. I would help the bakers braid 40-60 […]