Even before the official first day of Autumn on September 23, I saw stores and recipes go crazy with Pumpkin-Spice everything. I was never a fan of pumpkin pie, so this whole mania is totally lost on me. However, I have nothing against cinnamon. When our parents took us on a trip to Sri […]
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Happy Hour Glassware

1. Atravard Beer Glass, IKEA; 2. Crisp Tumbler, EQ3; 3. Diod Glass, IKEA; 4. Sukat Makkaralla Glass, EQ3; 5. Festlighet Margarita Glass, IKEA; 6. Meeting Glass, EQ3; 7. Bade Tumbler, EQ3; 8. Godis Glassware, IKEA; 9. Frasera Whiskey Glass, IKEA I learned to drink beer, of all places, at summer camp. I worked in the kitchens of a big summer camp for two summers during my undergrad years. I loved it up […]
Happy Hour: Raspberry Shrub

Shrubs, or drinking vinegars (they taste better than they sound!), are acidulated fruit syrups. Back in the day, there were no refrigerators to help preserve fresh fruit for longer than a day or two. Adding the sugar draws out the juices of the fruit via osmosis, and traditionally, the mixture would be left to ferment […]
Happy Hour: Cape Cod Cocktail

Having just come back from road tripping through Cape Cod, I found out that one of my favourite drinks, the vodka cranberry, is also called a Cape Cod, or Cape Codder! The cape is riddled with cranberry bogs, so it is fitting that its namesake cocktail incorporates the juice of this ruby red fruit. […]
Happy Hour: Kiwi Elderflower Cocktail

This is inspired by Saint Patrick’s Day, though none of the ingredients are remotely Irish. I decided to use naturally green fruit and coloured accessories and just let the unique flavours shine through.