I find that bunches of dill I get at the market are often very big – too big to use up before it all wilts and goes icky. So why not make a batch of lemon dill pesto! If you don’t have any fresh chervil, you can add 1/2 cup flat leaf parsley instead, for […]
Furikake on Everything!

When I was a kid, we had a goldfish. Even though I wanted a cuddly, furry pet, our parents started us off with a goldfish. And of course, we would have to feed fish food to our goldfish. Fish food, in case you haven’t seen it before, is generally a can of flat fish […]
Chinese Ginger Green Onion Sauce

For the longest time, I thought this was a Japanese condiment. My Gichan (grandfather) would prepare it, my mom would make it, and now Tomiko and I make it. My cousins on the Japanese side of our family also make it, so I thought it was only natural that it was Japanese. I actually learned about […]
Summery Garlic Salad Dressing

I am not a big salad eater. I was never a fan of vegetables. I remember the first time I wasn’t forced to eat my vegetables: I was about 10 years old, and eating dinner at a friend’s house. Her parents served me a green bean dish, and I couldn’t offend her mother by not […]

Chimichurri is a spicy, refreshing, garlicky green condiment that I whipped up the other day. Although it originated as a sauce for grilled meat in Argentina, it has such a bright zing that it would be a shame to limit its uses! I like to marinate tofu in chimichurri, use it as a dressing in a bean […]