These are not really pickles, but rather a Japanese cucumber salad. This dish received its name of Lazy Pickles from one of my lunch buddies at work, who moved to Toronto from Ukraine a couple of years ago. The food she brings for lunch are amazing treats that seem to come from a time forgotten by most […]
Dilly Lentil Salad

Several summers ago, I spent a few weeks at our family friends’ farm north of Toronto. Their Polish grandparents came to visit and brought along a few giant bunches of fresh dill. For the next several days, every meal included dill, much to one grandson’s chagrin. Potatoes, eggs, fish – all covered with dill. […]
Flavoured Waters: Cucumber Mint Water

If you ever get tired of plain water (ooh how fancy you are, that fresh clean water is too boring!), try flavouring it with cut up fruits, vegetables and herbs. In this case, we added sliced cucumbers and fresh mint.