I started block printing back in high school, more than 10 years ago, and it was the basis for most of my senior art project. I loved the process; it was so simple, created such striking images, and allowed me to use such versatile supplies. I could whip out a beautiful piece in an hour. […]
Five Things You Need For Your First Adult Apartment

In March of 2013, I moved into my first apartment that was all mine – no parents, no roommates, no nothing. Prior to that, I had lived at home, lived in residence at university, and then back at home. And while living at home, I slept in the twin bed that used to be half […]
Marimekko Spring/Summer 2015

It’s no secret that I love Marimekko. It’s been so cold here in Toronto – it feels like -30 C with the windchill. So what better way to keep warm than dream of warmer days with Marimekko’s spring and summer 2015 collection? I just found Marimekko’s spring and summer 2015 collection photos via Pinterest. It seems […]
Marimekko’s Holiday Season 2014 Collection

Marimekko just released their holiday season 2014 photos. And as always, the pictures and setting are just beautiful. Festive, wintery, happy and delicious. My apartment is only 425 square feet, so I can’t really host a dinner party, but these photos are beautiful enough to make me try to create such a tablescape. I love […]
Canadian Design: Hatchetmade by Christina Obuch

Hatchet is a textile studio by Christina Obuch that creates handmade production for home decor and accessories, in Oakville, Ontario. Focusing on silk-screening and natural dying, Hatchet creates rustic pillowcases and tea towels printed with natural Canadian designs, such as narwhals, bird eggs and sea grapes. Some designs are clearly and detailed images, while others seem […]