This honey mustard roast duck is a recipe from my German aunt. Roast duck is a common dish served at Christmastime in Germany, and aunt’s mother, Oma Ella, would raise ducks herself. If serving a meal for a larger group, then they would roast a goose. Roasting the duck at a low temperature helps keep […]
Toronto Eats: Birthday Dinner at Wvrst

For Karlos’ birthday, we went for hot dogs at Wvrst. Karlos is not a picky eater; he has tried everything from grasshoppers and zebra to snow pea shoots and okra. However, there are only a couple of foods that he won’t touch: eggplants, eggs, and until recently, sausages. He will still not eat regular hot dog wieners […]
La Ferme Basque de Charlevoix – The Basque Farm of Charlevoix

Tomiko and I almost didn’t stop at La Ferme Basque de Charlevoix. Luckily, two roads lead past the farm, so we turned in at the second sign and backtracked a bit on La Route des Saveurs de Charlevoix. I’m so glad we did! La Ferme Basque de Charlevoix is located at the bottom of the Parc des […]
La Route des Saveurs de Charlevoix

La Route des Saveurs de Charlevoix, or the Charlevoix Flavour Trail, crosses the Charlevoix region of Quebec and brings the traveller to the various food producers in the terroir. When Tomiko and I plotted our Quebec Culinary Adventure, we based our route on how far we could get in the time we had. That meant we […]