For the third year in a row, I sampled the garlic at the Toronto Garlic Festival at the Evergreen Brickworks. There are several Ontario farms that grow garlic, but it is pretty much impossible to find in Toronto grocery stores. Started in 2011, the Toronto Garlic Festival celebrates this precious Ontario-grown garlic. About ten varietal groups […]
Evergreen Brickworks
A Picture an Hour: August 2014

A picture every hour, on Saturday 2 August 2014. It was a the Civic Holiday long weekend in Canada, so we visited our family at the Curve Lake First Nation Indian Reserve. We had a leisurely morning, then stopped at the farmers’ market at the Evergreen Brickworks before we truly hit the road. 7:00 am: My […]
The Farmers’ Market at Evergreen Brickworks

The Evergreen Brickworks is this amazing complex in the Don Valley. It’s called the Brickworks because, well, it was the brickworks of Toronto. Our dad is pretty sure that our 100-year-old house was made with bricks from the Brickworks. It has long since been closed as a factory, but was left derelict and forgotten for many […]