This fall, I knit my first sweater, the Lyngen Sweater by Dianna Walla from Making No. 5. The Lyngen Sweater is a yoke sweater knit from the bottom up. It has some waist shaping and back shoulder shaping. This was my first time using wrap-and-turn short rows, but they weren’t hard to do! Since the sweater […]
fair isle
DIY: Knit Anja Hat and Free Pattern by Carrie Bostick Hoge

The Anja Hat is a stranded colourwork tam by Carrie Bostick Hoge. This is a free knitting pattern from Knitty Magazine, first fall 2012. Carrie Bostick Hoge is now the co-editor of Making Magazine, a lovely magazine that publishes knitting patterns, sewing projects, recipes, and other crafts. I now have two past editions, and the […]