This rich ginger syrup has a very concentrated flavour and a rich golden colour. It’s also so easy to make! Donatello and I made two large mason jars of it and found ourselves adding it to just about everything: tea, cocktails, and even salad dressings.
happy hour
Happy Hour: Cinnamon Bourbon Apple Cider

Autumn is a time for apple cider. It is lovely to drink cold when in cool autumn sunshine, but it is equally delicious warmed up on chilly evening. Even better when flavoured with cinnamon and enboldened with a shot of bourbon! Here I use the cinnamon bourbon that I made earlier. You can drink this […]
Happy Hour: Cinnamon Bourbon

Even before the official first day of Autumn on September 23, I saw stores and recipes go crazy with Pumpkin-Spice everything. I was never a fan of pumpkin pie, so this whole mania is totally lost on me. However, I have nothing against cinnamon. When our parents took us on a trip to Sri […]
Summertime is…Peach Iced Tea!

In Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, the compound we lived on had a massive, outdoor, Olympic-sized swimming pool. There weren’t many kids on our compound, so whenever we would go swimming, the pool would be quite empty…there might have been a few nurses tanning themselves. Since most of the year the weather was 45 C and sunny, […]
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Happy Hour Glassware

1. Atravard Beer Glass, IKEA; 2. Crisp Tumbler, EQ3; 3. Diod Glass, IKEA; 4. Sukat Makkaralla Glass, EQ3; 5. Festlighet Margarita Glass, IKEA; 6. Meeting Glass, EQ3; 7. Bade Tumbler, EQ3; 8. Godis Glassware, IKEA; 9. Frasera Whiskey Glass, IKEA I learned to drink beer, of all places, at summer camp. I worked in the kitchens of a big summer camp for two summers during my undergrad years. I loved it up […]