Eisschokolade is a classic German, summertime drink. It’s basically a gussied-up chocolate milk for hot weather: chocolate milk and ice cream in a tall glass, served with a straw.
ice cream
Eiskaffee – Iced Coffee with Ice Cream

Eiskaffee is a classic German summertime drink that combines Kaffee und Kuchen and dessert! It’s been on menus ever since I was a kid, and similar drinks are only now becoming popular here in Canada. I was drinking these way before I ever heard of Iced Capps or Frappuccinos! As a kid, though, I didn’t […]
Kiku Corner’s Ice Cream Party!

For my birthday this year I decided it was time for an ice cream party! We love going to Dutch Dreams for the best banana split in the city, but I wanted to try to build my own. I picked up vanilla, chocolate, and matcha ice cream and a bunch of toppings. I prepared my own strawberry sauce […]
Birthday Banana Split

We love our banana splits around here. Our favourite is from Dutch Dreams, which we would never dare to replicate, but rather use as inspiration. This version is heavy on the fruits since it is the middle of summer and berries are abound. We also kept it simple with only one flavour of ice cream, but […]
Toronto Eats: Birthday Dinner at Wvrst

For Karlos’ birthday, we went for hot dogs at Wvrst. Karlos is not a picky eater; he has tried everything from grasshoppers and zebra to snow pea shoots and okra. However, there are only a couple of foods that he won’t touch: eggplants, eggs, and until recently, sausages. He will still not eat regular hot dog wieners […]