As you can see in the photo of the before kitchen above, this is a small space. It has an area of only 40 square feet. There is room for one person to cook, which is unfortunate because both Donatello and I like to cook, preferably together. Since it is in a rental apartment, not much work […]
The Year in Books: April with Consider the Fork by Bee Wilson

Consider the Fork: A History of How We Cook and Eat by Bee Wilson is a book about the history of cooking and cooking utensils, from roasting spits and fireplaces to mortars and pestles and chopsticks. It explores the way our kitchen tools influence what we eat, how we eat, and what we feel about what […]
Five Things You Need For Your First Adult Apartment

In March of 2013, I moved into my first apartment that was all mine – no parents, no roommates, no nothing. Prior to that, I had lived at home, lived in residence at university, and then back at home. And while living at home, I slept in the twin bed that used to be half […]
- Food
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Meinhilde’s Ten Favourite Kitchen Tools

I do a lot of cooking – everyday meals for myself, but also family celebrations and hostess gifts. I have been reading cookbooks ever since my first year of kindergarten, and through testing and enjoying recipes, I found that I could not cook enjoyably without a few key kitchen tools. These are not the ridiculous […]
Marimekko’s Holiday Season 2014 Collection

Marimekko just released their holiday season 2014 photos. And as always, the pictures and setting are just beautiful. Festive, wintery, happy and delicious. My apartment is only 425 square feet, so I can’t really host a dinner party, but these photos are beautiful enough to make me try to create such a tablescape. I love […]