Day Four in Marrakech Since we were on vacation, Ryan and I had leisurely mornings in Marrakech. I would still get up early, but we would take our time getting ready and having breakfast before going on an adventure. Ryan made us a breakfast of scrambled eggs, cream cheese, and a parantha-style bread called msemen. […]
Explore Morocco: Day Three in Marrakech

Day Three in Marrakech Our third day in Marrakech was very relaxing. After a late breakfast of fried eggs and toasted buns with soft cheese, Ryan and I spent most of the day on our rooftop terrace. I crocheted my garden party cardigan while Ryan played his harmonica. We were looking into booking a cooking […]
DIY: Cozy Cowl with Night Sky Applique

This cashmere cowl is the third installment of my re-purposing cashmere sweater project. The first two can be found here and here. When I first saw this sweater on my thrifting trip my first thought was to make a cowl, however it ended up being the hardest project to design. Not because I had no options […]
DIY: Leather Cuff with Secret Pocket

This leather cuff was designed for walkers. We are a family of walkers and some of us are also very competitive. To compare our progress, we wear an old school pedometer and proudly profess our daily count. Even as I write this in my pajamas, I’m wearing my pedomenter to capture every last step. How is this relevant? Well, with […]
DIY: Bowie-Inspired Leather Eye Mask

Donatello works at night and often has trouble sleeping during the day. Apart from noise and temperature, darkness is so important in getting a good sleep. We have blinds, a black out curtain, but the bedroom still wasn’t dark enough. The polyester eye masks from the airplane never stayed put, so I decided to invent my own. These two […]