Ten Ren’s Tea is a Taiwanese tea and ginseng company that has several stores and restaurants in the GTA. Ryan, Tomiko, Karlos, and I ate lunch at the branch in Thornhill after visiting nearby King Cole Ducks for all of our ducky needs. My siblings and I rarely find ourselves exploring the GTA areas outside […]
Caribbean Tuna Pasta Salad

This Caribbean tuna pasta salad has a tasty island slant to it. Tomiko had a high school friend from Jamaica, and this was something she made. It’s quick to whip up, and really easy to customize based on what you have on hand. Why not add some chopped avocado (right before you serve it, so it […]
Toronto Eats: Ramen Raijin

Over the weekend, Ryan and I ate lunch with one of his friends at Ramen Raijin. Ramen Raijin is part of the Zakkushi Group of restaurants, others of which include Sushiya Sushi Bar and a few locations of Zakkushi Yakitori Izakaya. Obviously Ramen Raijin specializes in ramen, and they offer their house-made noodles in either chicken or […]
Real Japanese Food

There are dozens upon dozens of sushi restaurants in Toronto, so naturally people think Japanese food = sushi. Not so! That’s like saying American food = hot dogs, or German food = sausages. Yes, those cuisines include those foods, but they are just one type of dish. Likewise, sushi is only one type of dish. […]
Udon Noodle Soup

Our new family tradition of going to a nice restaurant for our birthdays started when I would ask to go to the only Japanese restaurant in Riyadh, the Tokyo restaurant. The restaurant had large private rooms (restaurants were divided into sections for men and for families/women), so we could often dine with other families from […]