These Swedish pancakes are my favourite type of pancake! Our mom is German so she isn’t used to and doesn’t like the fluffy, American-style flapjacks that are the regular pancakes in Canada. While I don’t mind those, I prefer these thin, crepe-like Swedish pancakes. I find that these are more toothsome and less fluffy and […]
GTA Eats: Ten Ren’s Tea in Thornhill

Ten Ren’s Tea is a Taiwanese tea and ginseng company that has several stores and restaurants in the GTA. Ryan, Tomiko, Karlos, and I ate lunch at the branch in Thornhill after visiting nearby King Cole Ducks for all of our ducky needs. My siblings and I rarely find ourselves exploring the GTA areas outside […]
Okonomiyaki – Japanese Cabbage Pancake

Okonomiyaki is a specialty of Osaka, the second largest city in Japan and also it’s foodie capital. Tomiko and I first tried it at an okonomiyaki restaurant when our aunt took us to Osaka in 2006. The word ‘okomiyaki’ means ‘grilled as you like it’ and is a cabbage pancake, but it tastes so much better […]