I make this pork and fennel tomato sauce all the time. It’s a riff on my roast pork loin with fennel and thyme. The fennel and thyme add a somewhat Italian flavour to the pasta sauce. It’s a little different but all the flavours go nicely together. Fennel, of course, nicely compliments the pork. Try to […]
Roast Pork Loin with Fennel and Thyme

Roast pork loin with fennel and thyme is my favourite way to cook pork loin. This economical cut of meat is delicious when roasted. According to the USDA, pork roasts should reach an internal temperature of 62 C / 145 F, and can still be pink in the middle. In Canada, Health Canada recommends cooking […]
GTA Eats: Ten Ren’s Tea in Thornhill

Ten Ren’s Tea is a Taiwanese tea and ginseng company that has several stores and restaurants in the GTA. Ryan, Tomiko, Karlos, and I ate lunch at the branch in Thornhill after visiting nearby King Cole Ducks for all of our ducky needs. My siblings and I rarely find ourselves exploring the GTA areas outside […]
Toronto Eats: Birthday Dinner at Wvrst

For Karlos’ birthday, we went for hot dogs at Wvrst. Karlos is not a picky eater; he has tried everything from grasshoppers and zebra to snow pea shoots and okra. However, there are only a couple of foods that he won’t touch: eggplants, eggs, and until recently, sausages. He will still not eat regular hot dog wieners […]
Toronto Eats: Ramen Raijin

Over the weekend, Ryan and I ate lunch with one of his friends at Ramen Raijin. Ramen Raijin is part of the Zakkushi Group of restaurants, others of which include Sushiya Sushi Bar and a few locations of Zakkushi Yakitori Izakaya. Obviously Ramen Raijin specializes in ramen, and they offer their house-made noodles in either chicken or […]