Alpagas Charlevoix

Alpagas Charlevoix

Alpagas Charlevoix is an alpaca farm and fibre store in the Charlevoix region of Quebec. Charlevoix is one of Quebec’s most inventive regions for agrotourism.  The landscape includes green, rolling hills dotted with trees; fjords; headlands; and bays; hugs the St. Lawrence River and is a designated a UNESCO World Biosphere Reserve. Tomiko and I were driving on highway […]

La Route des Saveurs de Charlevoix

La Route des Saveurs de Charlevoix

La Route des Saveurs de Charlevoix, or the Charlevoix Flavour Trail, crosses the Charlevoix region of Quebec and brings the traveller to the various food producers in the terroir. When Tomiko and I plotted our Quebec Culinary Adventure, we based our route on how far we could get in the time we had. That meant we […]

Les Fromages de l’isle d’Orleans

Les Fromages de l'isle d'Orléans

On our Quebec Culinary Adventure, Tomiko and I stopped at Les Fromages de l’isle d’Orleans in Sainte-Famille. After buying some of their cheeses, we had a picnic on the front lawn of the fromagerie. Our picnic consisted of a baguette and croissant from Boulangerie Blouin, a vegetarian pâté and some veggies from the Marché Jean-Talon, fresh-picked strawberries […]

Chocolaterie de l’Île d’Orléans

Chocolaterie de l'Ile d'Orléans

Tomiko and I stopped at the Chocolaterie de l’Île d’Orléans on our Quebec Culinary Adventure. Located on the Île d’Orléans, the Chocolaterie de l’Île d’Orléans started making chocolates in 1988 using raw ingredients from the Barry Callebaut Group in Belgium. On our visit, I bought a maple and caramel dark chocolate tartinade spread that Ryan and I will […]

Boulangerie Blouin

Boulangerie Blouin

On the Île d’Orléans, Tomiko and I stopped at the Boulangerie Blouin. We hadn’t planned on stopping, but decided we should buy some bread for our planned lunch with cheese. We had driven by but pulled over as soon as we noticed the bakery sign. Entering the building, we smelled the delicious aroma of freshly-baked bread, and […]