One day last winter, a Russian-speaking client at work brought me a plastic bucket and a fork. She opened the bucket and heaped some of the contents onto the fork and offered me a bite. I don’t speak Russian, and she barely speaks a word of English, but I recognized the contents of her bucket […]
Toronto Eats: Birthday Dinner at Wvrst

For Karlos’ birthday, we went for hot dogs at Wvrst. Karlos is not a picky eater; he has tried everything from grasshoppers and zebra to snow pea shoots and okra. However, there are only a couple of foods that he won’t touch: eggplants, eggs, and until recently, sausages. He will still not eat regular hot dog wieners […]
New York City Eats: Carnegie Deli

One of my coworkers was in New York the same time as me. She was excited about going to Carnegie Hall; I’ve never been, but I told her the Carnegie Deli is pretty good! Our first attempt at eating at the Carnegie Deli was on a Thursday afternoon, hoping for an early dinner and a […]