On Friday in Nice, Ryan and I ate the hostel breakfast supplemented with our truffle brie, foie gras pâté, ripe tomatoes, peaches, and cep sausage. We checked out and went to pick up our rental car from the train station. At the station, we saw more armed soldiers and security patrolling the station, as well […]
Exploring Nice in Two Days

After a day of travel (flying from Manchester to Nice via Dublin…with several delays) we got into Nice at 10pm. Day Zero in Nice Ryan and I took a bus from the airport into the city. Our hostel have us directions and told us which bus to take, but that bus stopped running at 9pm. After missing […]
Thick’n’Creamy New England Clam Chowder

Travelling through New England in spring 2014 and autumn 2015, my parents and I made sure to take advantage of the local quahog clams via delicious, creamy clam chowder. Manhattan clam chowder is lighter and tomato-based, but New England clam chowder is thick and creamy and rich. Here is a recipe that I made for Tomiko, […]
Bar Harbor Eats: Stewman’s Lobster Pound

Back in September, my parents and I rented a campervan in Montreal and drove down to Acadia National Park. Even though we were staying in our rented campervan, my parents wanted to have some fresh Maine seafood on the ocean so we headed to Stewman’s Lobster Pound, the only waterfront lobster pound in Bar Harbor. After […]
Smoked Mackerel Pate

When I used to eat meat, I loved smoked mackerel. There was a fishmonger in the town near our Oma’s village who would sell freshly smoked fish, still warm from the smoker. Buttery soft mackerel and Schillerlocken (dogfish) were my favourites, just eaten plain or on pieces of bread or crackers. I don’t eat fish any […]