This za’atar manakeesh is almost not even a recipe – it’s so easy and only needs three ingredients. I always have the first two in my pantry and the third ingredient in my overpacked freezer. I sometimes make this as a quick snack when guests come over or have it for breakfast with a fried egg on […]
Za’atar Manakeesh

Za’atar manakeesh is Arabic za’atar pizza. Our mom used to buy it fresh from Tamimi Markets in Saudi Arabia, and now we make it at home. If you can’t find the za’atar spice mix, you can make it yourself from a blend of thyme, sesame seeds, and sumac. The za’atar mixture is mixed with a […]
Sekihan – Celebration Red Rice

Foods that are only served on special occasions are often fondly remembered for more than just taste alone. Sekihan is glutinous, or sweet, rice coloured red with adzuki beans and will get anyone from our dad’s generation on the Japanese side of our family exclaiming with gusto. I don’t remember eating this as a kid, […]
Gobo to Ninjin no Kimpira – Burdock and Carrot Kimpira

At this time of year in 2010, Tomiko and I flew to Tokyo and spent a month staying with our friend for hanami – cherry blossom viewing. Tomiko and I got gobo to ninjin no kimpira – burdock and carrot kimpira – from the supermarkets in Tokyo and ate it on fresh, white rice for breakfast […]
Chocolate Chip Banana Bread

This banana bread recipe is adapted from one in the Family Fun Cookbook that I received for my 12th birthday. In this case, I dialed down the sugar a bit and added the chocolate chips. Every time I think of banana bread, I remember a certain incident at the kids’ camp where I worked for two […]