I’ve lived both in England and at sea, two infamous places for excessive drinking. Let’s just say that I learned to comply with the local customs. These days, my bestie is pregnant and I’ve had to become more creative with my virgin cocktails. Although she’s probably happiest with a non-alcoholic beer, I’ll try this zesty […]
Spice Up Your Oatmeal

Donatello and I have oatmeal for breakfast on weekdays. We try to at least start our days off healthy. The basic recipe is easy – just instant oats and hot water. Since mornings are always a rush to get out the door, I try to do as much preparation the night before. I also like to keep […]
Toronto Eats: African Palace Restaurant

Last week a university friend and I caught up over dinner at African Palace, an Ethiopian and Eritrean restaurant in the Bloorcourt neighbourhood of Toronto. It has been voted one of the Best Ethiopian Restaurants in Toronto in several publications over the past few years. The Bloorcourt neighbourhood itself is home to several Ethiopian and Eritrean restaurants, grocery stores, […]
Lazy Pickles, or Japanese Cucumber Salad

These are not really pickles, but rather a Japanese cucumber salad. This dish received its name of Lazy Pickles from one of my lunch buddies at work, who moved to Toronto from Ukraine a couple of years ago. The food she brings for lunch are amazing treats that seem to come from a time forgotten by most […]
Sekihan – Celebration Red Rice

Foods that are only served on special occasions are often fondly remembered for more than just taste alone. Sekihan is glutinous, or sweet, rice coloured red with adzuki beans and will get anyone from our dad’s generation on the Japanese side of our family exclaiming with gusto. I don’t remember eating this as a kid, […]